I was curious as to why you have removed the Hackfests (2nd Saturday of every month) afrom the PLUG Calendar?

Hackfests have been going strong since 2008 and have students from ITT and strong support from DeVry where instructors provide extra credit to their security students for attendance.

DeVry University provides a rack for PLUG use (providing it is actually used in context with student related open source activities) at OneNeck which is populated with a VMWare ESXi 5.5 server, OpenVPN server, Security Onion, Metasploitable and other images for demonstration purposes, all of which has been built entirely with community contributed assets and intern effort.  We contribute Kali CD's for lab demonstration use, promotional tee shirts and shared DefCon videos each year.   

We have a large following of local security professionals, with visits from University of Phoenix, Palo Verde Nuclear, Department of the Army and GoDaddy staff.

I have received no notice related to any new requirements or change?

I have posted monthly announcements to the PLUG Announce list since 2008 and have never been notified of any other PLUG requirements?

Please add this great linux security lab venue back to the PLUG Schedule.

2nd Saturday  of every month 11:00 - 2:00 PM.
DeVry University 
