thanks guys


On Tue, Oct 28, 2014 at 9:01 PM, Rusty Ramser <> wrote:
Hi, Michael.

Sounds like you're basically wanting to create some symbolic ("soft") links from directories in your /home folder structure to the /entertainment area.

I would do something like the following:

1.  First, ensure that /dev/sda4 is mounted, (and that it comes
    up mounted with system restarts).  Let's assume you have it
    mounted at the root as /entertainment, for the rest of the
    example commands.
2.  Next, ensure your normal user account has full permissions
    to the /entertainment partition.  If you mount additional
    partitions after the initial installation, you'll likely
    find that the top-level folder structure is owned by root,
    and that will prevent you (as your normal user account)
    from doing much with them.  So look at the output from this
    terminal command:
       $ ls -l /
    Does it show that root owns the /entertainment directory, or
    that your "michael" account owns it?  If root owns it, run
    the following command to change ownership to michael so you
    can then freely put files there.
       $ sudo chown -R michael: /entertainment
    The case of that capital "R" parameter is important.
    Enter your password when prompted, of course.  Re-run the
    ls command from above, and you'll now see that you own the
3.  If you don't already have subdirectories called Music,
    Videos, Pictures, etc. in /entertainment, create them now
    by running commands like this:
       $ cd /entertainment
       $ mkdir Music Videos Pictures
4.  If you have existing /home/michael/Music,
    /home/Michael/Videos, and /home/michael/Pictures directories
    with any files in them, you will want to move over those
    existing files to their corresponding /entertainment
    directories.  Like so:
       $ cd ~
       $ mv Music/* /entertainment/Music
       $ mv Videos/* /entertainment/Videos
       $ mv Pictures/* /entertainment/Pictures
    Do this for as many directories (with existing contents in
    them) as you have.
5.  Remove the existing home directories by doing something like
    the following.  (Double check that all contents have actually
    been moved before deleting!)
       $ cd ~
       $ rm Music Videos Pictures
6.  Finally, create the symbolic links in your home directory to
    their counterparts in /entertainment, by commands like this:
       $ ln -s /entertainment/Music /home/michael/Music
       $ ln -s /entertainment/Videos /home/michael/Videos
       $ ln -s /entertainment/Pictures /home/michael/Pictures
7.  Take a look at how caja now works with the "directories"
    you have created in your home.

Naturally, make sure that the syntax of any of the above commands matches your environment and what you're trying to do.  (For example, if the entertainment partition is mounted somewhere else besides root level, change commands accordingly, if your normal user account isn't named "michael", change those commands, etc.)

Happy linking.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Michael Havens
Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2014 20:16
Subject: link folders together

here is the setup of my computer:

    sudo cfdisk
                                  Unusable                             1.05*
    sda4                    Primary   ext4                            118002.55*
    sda3                    Primary   ext4                            117000.12*
    sda1        Boot        Primary   ext4                              8999.93*
                            Logical   Free Space                           0.17*
    sda5        NC          Logical   swap                              5996.20*

sda1 is / . sda3 is /home . sda4 is a partition I created called /entertainment . I want to link the folders music, videos, and pictures to /entertainment so that when I click on the pretty icon in caja it will go to a folder in entertainment with the same name. How do I do it?

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