so the power supply will affect the cooling fan? If so this might be an easy fix. What about the internet switch? That was the first thing that failed.


On Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 5:24 PM, Jon Kettenhofen <> wrote:
BTW, Apple publishes a hardware diagnostic CD or DVD, in fact it may be on the original install DVDs that came with the machine.  If you can boot the machine, see if you can run the diagnostics.

On 09/18/2014 02:08 PM, Michael Havens wrote:
Thefirst thing I di was to stick the live cd in. That didn't fix a thing
plus that doesn't take care of the cooling fan issue..... did I tell you
I get that notice right before bios takes over?


On Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 9:24 AM, Stephen Partington
< <>> wrote:

    Have you tried a live CD of any flavor to see if it persists?

    On Sep 18, 2014 8:35 AM, "Michael Havens" <
    <>> wrote:

        when the keybosrd problem stsrted about 6 months ago getting
        another keyboard was the first thing I did and there was no
        problem with it when I attached an external keyboard. You
        mentioned smoking being a problem?  I've never done that. You
        wondered about the distro? I run Linux Mint.


        On Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 6:08 AM, Lisa Kachold
        < <>> wrote:

            Hi Mike,

            In order to work with the technician effectively, you are
            going to want to be closely involved with the work process.
            In this respect, you will ask him what he thinks the problem
            is, or what his first actions are, for instance if he
            recommends a full diagnostic.

            But first, I would do some diagnostics myself before taking
            your equipment to the technician.

            CAUSE (but all related to your distro or drivers)!

            If you are SMOKING or exposing the laptop to soot of any
            kind, you will want to clean the laptop completely FIRST.

            Everyone has issues with the WIRELESS switch on older
            equipment, just futz with it, as I have never seen anyone
            have it STAY BROKEN?  But this clearly would be the
            technician stage....

            Various diagnostic programs exist for linux, which you might
            consider before spending money on the technician, to verify
            power supply, bus, and CPU.

            Intel Proc Diagnostic for Linux:

            What distro are you running?  Known issues with KDE and
            Chrome with keyboard I/O are common (which I expect is the
            cause of your issues after applying a patch):


            Spares are your friend, so try an external keyboard and see
            if the issue follows that hardware (kernel driver) switch,
            then you can be sure that it is application/distro based
            rather than hardware based.
            As for fan control, there are various tools and again KNOWN
            ISSUES (ArchLinux) with fancontrol under linux:

            You can use a live distro to rule out your keyboard issues -
            divide and conquer.

            Using OSI Level debugging, you go to the layer where the
            issue exists and traverse up and down to adjacent layers, so
            clearly there is only the human level on the other side of
            the Physical Layer 1, which is where the problems present
            themselves, so the other direction would be the drivers in

            You would rule out issues here with a systematic diagnostic,
            use of spares and intelligent research.

            On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 8:54 PM, Michael Havens
            < <>> wrote:

                What can I tell the service tech so I don't sound too


                On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 8:03 PM, Michael Havens
                < <>> wrote:

                    oh.... I forgot to say that none of the other
                    computers in my house seem to have  been affected
                    though it may be that it needs to be power-cycled
                    and/or it may be something that only affects
                    wireless and something got on the phone lines (my
                    home is on DSL).


                    On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 7:50 PM, Michael Havens
                    < <>> wrote:

                        Thank you so much for the detailed explanation,
                        Jon. You know.... I have a laptop and I don't
                        have a MAC but I read your troubleshooting
                        non-the-less. I got to the last paragraph and
                        realized something that I was told happened a
                        couple of days ago that might be relevant. My
                        room mate was home when this happened so this is
                        second-hand knowledge. She was watching tv when
                        the power went out then, a second later, there
                        was a big POP down the street (a transformer
                        maybe?). Everything still worked with the
                        computer though; however, maybe it just needed
                        to be power-cycled.

                        Any other comments will be greatly appreciated!


                        On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 6:56 PM, Jon Kettenhofen
                        < <>> wrote:

                            Hello Michael,

                            I'm curious, did you buy this quad new or
                            did you buy it used or is it a work computer
                            owned by a company?  I get the feeling that
                            you bought it used.

                            There's almost always a reason for failures
                            and it's usually a problem that can be
                            isolated.  If it's a part, it can be
                            replaced.  If it's something else, it can be

                            When stuff like this starts to happen, it
                            may be one of three things: a loose
                            connection or a bad motherboard or a power
                            supply.  Apple builds solid hardware but
                            sometimes it gets abuse or just used in a
                            poor environment with too much heat and/or
                            moisture or just takes a physical beating -
                            they are rather heavy.  Also quads, I
                            believe, have water cooling.  I have seen at
                            least one report of leaks.  That's usually
                            easy to rule out if there's no leaks.

                            So where to begin?  Well, the pedant is back!

                            You may want to take some anti-static
                            electricity precautions.  First, disconnect
                            the Mac completely from all exterior cords,
                            wires, etc.  Lay it on its side where there
                            is plenty of light, a clean worktop area and
                            a Phillips screwdriver.  As you have seen,
                            it's easily taken apart, at least the easy
                            pieces need only your hands.  Pull the fans
                            out, take the video and other cards out,
                            unhinge and pull the memory sticks out and
                            so on until you are puzzled how to get the
                            cooling shrouds out. (Don't do that.)
                            Inspect everything.  Look for any
                            corrosion.  Remove as much dirt and dust as
                            you can with an air duster can (take care
                            here, the these cans may contain
                            hydrocarbons that are flammable and they
                            should not be inhaled!).  If you use an air
                            compressor, be gentle and use lower pressure
                            less than 40psi.  What you can't get out
                            with air, start with a clean microfiber
                            cloth and wipe without generating static
                            (i.e. don't rub hard).  Make sure all the
                            connectors are clean and shiny before

                            We call this clean and re-seat the boards.

                            Make sure you put the same memory sticks
                            back into the same slots - it usually
                            matters or makes a difference.  If you don't
                            remember, read up on it from a manual,
                            usually online at

                            Memory sticks are tricky because they often
                            won't reseat properly without strong
                            pressure.  First, make sure the middle slot
                            on the memory stick is lined up with the
                            ridge in the bottom of the connector.  The
                            slots are offset from the middle on purpose,
                            they are only supposed to go in one way.
                            (Having burned out a memory stick by forcing
                            it in backwards, I can speak from
                            experience! Won't do that again!) The way to
                            handle this is to use two hands, with thumbs
                            or your choice of fingers at each end of the
                            board. Making sure the stick is aligned
                            correctly in the connector; push FIRMLY down
                            until both ends of the connector snap into
                            the stick.  Main logic boards are epoxy and
                            embedded fiber, are very strong and can take
                            a little flexing without
                            hurting them.  Same with memory sticks.

                            Make sure the memory is seated well - it may
                            take close inspection with a flashlight.  If
                            the sticks are all the same size, then no
                            stick should be higher than the lowest one.

                            OK, reassemble the computer.

                            Testing the power supply can be difficult.
                            It's easier with a common desktop PC because
                            the power connector is almost always on top
                            of the board and easily accessible.  It's
                            not enough to test a power supply out of the
                            computer because it won't be under load.

                            Here's how an expert taught me to test the
                            power supply on a desktop PC (but not a
                            Dell!)  Take a meter and set it to DC
                            volts.  There will be a pair of test leads
                            with pointed ends to poke at things.

                            You will push the points into the connector
                            until it connects to the metal of the
                            connector sleeve.  Connect the common lead
                            to a black wire's connector.  Test all the
                            colored wires with the positive (usually
                            red) meter probe. Here are the correct
                            voltages for a PC:

                            Yellow          +12 Volts
                            Red             +5  Volts
                            Purple          +5  Volts
                            Orange          +3.3Volts
                            Green           don't test; this turns on
                            the PC when shorted to black
                            White           -5  Volts
                            Blue            -12 Volts
                            Gray    I think this one is for the
                            power-is-on LED
                            Brown   Not sure about this one

                            The important thing is that the voltages are
                            nearly correct when the computer is powered
                            on because that shows the power supply to be
                            good when under a load.

                            One other thing - sometimes a part can
                            acquire a static charge which won't
                            dissipate properly.  The only remedy for
                            this is to wait until it discharges (unless
                            you are a motherboard repair person).

                            Things that have hurt my equipment is
                            usually near lightning strikes. Lost one
                            treasured Mac to a lightning strike that hit
                            the phone lines. Took out phones for three
                            stories above me.  Mac did not fail right
                            away but eventually lost it  (sniff :( ).
                              Lightning strikes across the strike have
                            taken out a couple ethernet ports over the
                            years even though my equipment has always
                            been on a UPS.  Strong strike will generate
                            an EMP which is sometimes picked up by a
                            network wire of a resonant length.  Usually,
                            though, it's not serious but if the storm is
                            bad, we'll turn off the electronics until
                            it's past.

                            I apologize for the length of this, but you
                            get the idea of the lengths I go to fix things.

                            Best of Luck and let me know how it turns
                            out if you have the time,
                            As always, take care.

                            On 09/17/2014 06:27 PM, Michael Havens wrote:

                                first certain keys sometimes don't work
                                unless I hold the key down and
                                then after a time the character will
                                appear (sometimes multiple times).
                                So it was recomended I pop the keys off
                                and clean under them. So I do
                                and it doesn't fix the problem. No
                                problem. I'll stick it under my table
                                and attach wireless periphiels too it.
                                Then I need to go visit my kids.
                                So I figure I'll suffer with the
                                keyboard problem. The day I left for
                                Miami (at the airport) the hardware
                                internet switch would not turn on.
                                Then, after I arrive in Miami, I turn on
                                the computer and a notice
                                appears at boot saying that 'the cooling
                                fan is not operating properly'.
                                What problem do you think is causing
                                this? I called my dad and he said
                                it sounds like the hard disk is going
                                bad. He also said maybe the
                                keyboard controller (because of the
                                internet switch).

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