Sad part is most technical
implementations are still crippled. Cisco has put on events at
the past several yearly "ipv6 congress" events, and every year
they still general client usage to be problematic in a "pure" ipv6
environment. I think last year was apple ios not supporting
dhcpv6 various other nuances to the default configurations that
were needed to work around client issues year after year.
Carrier technologies like mpls are still somewhat contingent on
ipv4 even, everything else is mostly work-in-progress.
Carrier-grade NAT solutions are expensive and/or still fluid in
terms of spec, so most enterprises, especially around the US are
like "we'll get to it when we have to", and that means at the cost
of buying v4 addresses to *not* change. Ask a developer how to
provide ipv6 services, and I bet they'll look at you funny too as
most haven't even gotten v4 yet.
All it's doing is creating a new ecosystem of supply and demand.
Good thing companies like godaddy have been hoarding them for
years, waiting for the gold rush to begin (like,
On 06/13/2014 10:44 AM, Michael Havens wrote: