The problem I am having is that I can't show the content of other computers  in caja and that one of the three computers on my network is not showing up at all. I can use scp without impunity on the computer that is not showing in caja. 
I open caja, click network,two things show on the next screen-the computer I'm on and a 'Windows Network' folder. I double click the windows network and the next window shows a WORKGROUP folder. I open that and now all of the computers on the network are showing. I wonder why? Of course... the other computers were off. In any case when I try to open either of the other computers with caja an info window opens with the statement that I am:

  Opening <device>
  You can stop this operation by clicking cancel

Then a little later another info window pops up stating:

  Unable to mount location
  Failed to retrieve share list from server

Could you show me what I'm doing wrong?