We are doing it again!   This month, it's all about WIRELESS  with a great hands on presentation from our guest Lori Denaldi.  SINCE THIS IS WIRELESS, if you want to do more than just watch, you need to bring your Notebook with Wireless to boot into BT5R3.  Note, your notebook also needs to have compatible wireless card.

Hackfest with real lab, open network, and presentations that actually TEACH you to do what is possible.  Come see us prove concepts and develop workarounds to secure insecure open sores!

Go to the Office and trade an ID for a badge, or call me and I will come let you into Room 231.

More information and past presentations at http://it-clowns.com/c/

See you at DeVry University Tomorrow!

(503) 754-4452 Android
(623) 239-3392 Skype
(623) 688-3392 Google Voice
Chief Clown