I wanted to provide a summary of what actually transpired regarding a secure way to share passwords with a team of computer users with very limited computer skills.
I decided to use Lastpass because
* one does not have to install any software; you can use it just with a browser.
* it has a built in secure mechanism for sharing user names and passwords with other Lastpass users
* the user interface is good (not necessarily great, but that in my opinion)
So far, Lastpass is doing its job, and the team is able to use it. There was one hiccup during the installation that caused some issues with most of the team members. This issue involves setting up a user's account to receive shared passwords. The issues were:
* the Lastpass documentation is very good when it comes to describing how to use Lastpass to share credentials with another user, but is terrible (ie non-existent) when it comes to telling a user how to setup their account to receive a shared password.
* A user who wants to receive shared passwords has to, in most cases, perform an extra setup task to create keys that allow sharing. For IE users, this happens automatically. For all other browsers and operating systems (I tests Linux with Chrome, Firefox, Mozilla, and Opera, and on Mac I tested Firefox and Safari with and without the plugin installed) the user has to login through the Lastpass web site (not the plugin, even if it is installed) to get the user's "account home page" to display the link to "create sharing keys". This feature is not documented in the Lastpass user manual, or in the forums. It took an email to Lastpass tech support and a lot of testing to figure this out. Without this step, one cannot share credentials between Lastpass users.
* Setting up a user's account without the Lastpass plugin is possible, but again not well documented, and requires a few browser restarts to get it to work.
However, once set up, sharing credentials with a group is rather easy.