On Tue, May 7, 2013 at 9:18 AM, Brian Cluff <brian@snaptek.com> wrote:
3) Poor control of and development of the PLUG Website; content
submissions are too limited for each group, so value is lost every week.

You're the only one saying this.  Most people are saying quite the opposite.  Just about everything that is submitted makes it to the website... the problem is that there aren't a lot of things being submitted since we usually have trouble getting a presenter until just before the meeting starts.
What changed on the website is that we changed from a place where we allowed just about anyone to do whatever they wanted to the website whenever that felt like it, which was causing more problems than it was solving, so we switched to system were we have a small number of people that have direct access to the website so that it can remain a quality resource.

Can you imagine what the kernel would be like if they gave commit access to everyone who felt like they wanted to contribute to it?

I have the same problems in other clubs I'm in.. they say "we need more on the website" but when asked to help by providing testimonials and other content they do nothing.    This is a pretty active and well run group in my opinion.  When I get more time I'd like to help out more (some [laugh]).