I couldn't find a link to the torrent of Linux Mint so I googled it. Is this a good place to D/L it from?

On Sat, Nov 26, 2011 at 9:57 PM, Michael Havens <> wrote:
WOW It is brand mew..... it just came out today!

On Sat, Nov 26, 2011 at 7:38 PM, Jim March <> wrote:
As to the screensaver...huh.  I just realized I have no idea, and I'm
running the same thing!  See, I think "Unity" is an absolute turd so I
converted it to Gnome3 via the command:

...but unfortunately Ubuntu put virtually no effort into a rational
set of menus so there's all kinds of stuff missing, including, I just
realized, the damn screensaver controls.


And this is why I'm strongly considering dumping it for Mint12 - they
at least have put some effort into making Gnome3 work.


Odds are it has the latest kernel bits for power management and ACPI
controls, which is another top contender for "why your rig is
crashing"...they only just got a handle on that stuff, with patches
that can be applied to current kernels and if I recall right, Mint12
did so?


