[opts for the RTF version, after today's talk =)]

On Sat, Jul 9, 2011 at 7:08 PM, Lisa Kachold <lisakachold@obnosis.com> wrote:
The presentation materials from today's Hackfest "Linux Attack Vectors" are available from:


Note, we were able to cover a great deal of material that doesn't appear in this list of Video links;  for best experience, we suggest that you attend the security labs and participate in discussions.

Next Hackfest in Chandler next Saturday Noon-3PM gangplankhq.com

On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 3:22 PM, Lisa Kachold <lisakachold@obnosis.com> wrote:
Please join us at Maker Bench in Tempe for our first presentation at the new location on Linux Attack Vectors.  As always this is a full-duplex linux event with welcome participation from Linux Community.   We will follow up with hands on analysis of individual machines, so bring anything with a kernel that you might you want us to check out. 

Please update your hackfest schedule to include our new Tempe location and time on the 2nd Saturday of every month 3PM - 6PM.

Please see http://plug.phoenix.az.us site schedule also.

An example complete schedule also appears at http://hackfest.obnosis.com:


Monthly security presentation labs, with open community participation occur every month on the Second Saturday in Tempe at the Maker Bench (3-6PM) and Third Saturdays (Noon-3PM) in Chandler at Ganglplankhq.com. 

This interactive lab and presentation format covers industry news, specific protection issues in linux, ongoing industry tool development, RFC scripts, exploits & net neutrality.

Ethical and legal, as well as liability aspects of security testing are covered as we investigate the strange world of computer insecurity from our portly Penguin perspectives.

Hackfests are specially scheduled demonstrations that include open member participation hacking, cracking, exploits and IDS.
Hackfests are open encroachment events with designated targets.

We also provide information and tools to modify cable modems for DOCSIS 2.0 JTAG to USB and no-solder pin.

Hack test your installations, networks, and program source using Linux Security distro tools. 

2nd Saturday 3-6PM Tempe meeting facilities generously provided by MakerBench.

3rd Saturday Noon-3PM meeting facilities generously provided by Gangplankhq.com in Chandler.
Plan on being able to use live CDs, or USB jump drives to follow along, if you bring your laptop and targets are announced. Since we have a VMware Server, you can pre-request a specific target or make arrangements to have your code ported to one of our virtuals and hit with Metasploit or Rapid 7 Community edition.  Open network access is unlimited (with "play nice" rules).

Feel free to call or email me if you get lost or have questions.

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