On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 9:09 PM, keith smith <klsmith2020@yahoo.com> wrote:

We do what we did on Nov 2nd.  We vote and we speak out.  We push for the reduction of our Government and we become aware of what the judges are doing and get the right judges in place by recalling or impeaching the wrong ones.  And keep pushing the Constitution in their face.


The nation, or at least a remnant of the people need to become informed and continually challenge our government.


To me the solution is very simple.  Implementation will take a lot of effort.  It took us 45 years to get here, it might take as long to get back to a more reasonable Government.

There are lots of things one can do.  Become informed.  Call your 2 senators weekly and your congress person weekly as well.  Get to know your state legislators also.

Most people have a cellular phone and a commute to and from work.  A 5 minute call several times a week lets your reps know how you feel about certain things.  If they are not inline with your values then challenge them to re-think their position.

Yes, by all means; use your phones!


Be sure to discuss this openly using your phone:

This country belongs to us not the bureaucrats.  We need to get that across to them so things will change.  We sent an message on Nov 2nd and some heard.  Some apparently did not and will have to hear from us some more before they get it.


Are you aware of state's sovereign rights under the 10th Amendment and what is going on in Montana, Utah, Texas, and here in AZ?  There are other state that are embracing the 10th Amendment also.  We should see more activity in this area over the next 6 moths.

Right Amendment X - Good luck with that?  Feds now pay our Unemployment, bail out our banks for bad real estate loans and practices (exposed for 30 years as flowcharting to ruin), build our roads, and enforce and protect from terror. 


Health Care reform will decriminalize drug and alcoholic offenders, now languishing in federal prisons, while bailing out the failing Social Security, Medicaid systems.  While I love your ideology, CHANGE is a simple matter of dollars and cents in a seriously ailing economy. 

The so-called deficit is also a matter of something CONTROLLED by the US  Government, or not (Value of Money):

Fiat money .vs American dollar Value

We no longer have Silver Certificates - laugh. 
If the deficit is not a concern for Obama and Bush (or other's in Von Mises and other thinktanks), perhaps we need to realize the true nature of the game?


Let's talk again in 5 years; you can show me how you were right?

There is a http://mail.google.com/a/obnosis.com/#inbox/12cf644a046f5056movement going on.  The more people that get aboard the sooner we will see change - *real* change.

Right - every action is shadowed by a greater and more effective government reaction:

Wikileaks will be an interesting example of American "rights", information, stolen or "secret" government information, and consequences? 



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