I have a few questions as I want to find out all I can about this career field before I put my time, effort, and money into it.
1) There is a passage from the fourth edition of Unix and Linux System Administration Handbook
(Evi Nemeth, et al) that goes as follows: "Sysadmin burnout is
rampant. Most administrators last only a few years." (page 1196,
second paragraph). Would you tend to agree or disagree with this
statement? If you disagree, why?
1A) What is the career path for a systems admin, i.e., where does one progress from admin duties?
What do you see in your crystal ball for employment opportunities in
the Phoenix metro area,
say in 2012, for someone who has taken the six CIS courses (126, 226,
238, 239, 240, & 271) at MCC and has a couple of certs, e.g., the Linux+ and a Red hat under his belt?
info: I have B.A., B.S. and M.S degrees from ASU though none is in IT;
the B.S. is in supply chain mgt., the M.S. is in information mgt., both
those degrees are from the business college.
I am not working in IT at the moment but am currently employed in
healthcare in the materials mgt. area. I'm looking to do a more
interesting type of work than what I do now and have always enjoyed the computer programming classes (C++ and VB most recently) that I have taken at MCC.
Thanks very much for your thoughts.