On Sun, Nov 7, 2010 at 8:47 PM, der.hans <PLUGd@lufthans.com> wrote:
Am 06. Nov, 2010 schwätzte ChasM Marshall so:
The first step is getting volunteers we can count on. This is also the
hardest step. For example, we need volunteers to coordinate meeting topics
( I have topics for January and February on both sides of town, but need
help getting it up on the site, following-up with the presenters, getting
word out, etc. ). If you would like to help bring it up on list or show up
to our planning meetings.

I can assist with West Side Meeting coordination, postings, and follow up.  
I also have a CPA colleague I could ask 501-C questions to if needed.

Sunday's are a bad day for me to attend IRC, so I've missed tonights, and the recent ABLEconf discussions.  Are either logged somewhere?  If not, I'll try and keep IRC client open, and review the history later.

Also, I just found the RSS feed and iCal feed from the site for events.  In case anyone else needs them, I'll post them below.



Benjamin Francom
Information Technology Executive

"Nobody is as smart as everybody.  No matter how smart, no matter how educated, no matter how brilliant a company you have, you can't be as smart and educated and as brilliant as everyone around the world. That's how open-source works."
-Josh A. Krevitt (Redhat and Novell Attorney)