Make that three people using the Pre (myself and my wife included), but ours is on Sprint.  I was fairly happy with it for a while, but I am also starting to look at Android phones.  I was one of those Nextel carry-overs, so I guess that means I've been a Sprint customer for a long time, which created a lot of intertia to overcome if I want to change carriers.  But my experience with Sprint has been mostly good so far.  Not sure what it would take to get me to change.

- Scott

On 2010-09-19 06:22, wrote:
> Considered Cricket? They've been aggressively advertising 'now with 
> smartphones', and obviously it's a no-contract endeavour. No knowledge 
> about tethering; I'm saddled with AT&T, and didn't much care for the 
> Android phone I tried, so I am the one person using a Pre. :)