Hi Keith:
I have been setting up a cron job and found out there are two different crons. 1) the user cron located at /var/spool/cron/ on my Fedora Box and 2) the system crontab located at /etc/crontab .
When I do the crontab -e (if I am recalling correctly) I am editing the user crontab.
To edit the system crontab do I just use VI or some other editor?
I would have thought if I were root and issued crontab -e I would have been editing the system crontab, however this was not my experience.
Thanks in advance for your insight.
Keith Smith
# F. Bar
# SomeCompany or dot.com
# $HOME/.bashrc
# Add various additional things that don't go into /etc/profile
# Date which can be trivially used for file copy or other tasks
# example: copy file.ext file.ext.$today
# Setup my default editor for crontab and other things (visudo)
export EDITOR=nano
export VISUAL=nano
# Create a bash alias for crontab to use nano
alias crontab='env EDITOR=nano crontab -e'
# System management aliasesssssss
alias log='tail -n 200 /var/log/messages |less'
alias mailmelog='tail -n 500 /var/log/messages |mail -s "Message Log" foobar@somecompany.com
# end custom .bashrc
sudo env EDITOR=nano crontab -e
sudo nano /etc/crontab