Okay, I agree. I would add volumes of more granular rules. For starters I would remove the special retirement and health care for our congress. Move them to an HMO and 401k. Add a recall system and a requirement that they meet with the people multiple times a year and with the state legislature multiple times a year. Make congress accountable. Put into effect a balanced budget requirement for the federal government within 24 months. Beef up our military and give then hefty pay increases and pay extra pay associated with their specialty. A person in finance, who eats hot chow and spends most of his/her time in a nicer place, does not rate as much as the infantry, field artillery, tanks, and other in the field in the enemies face type of military occupation. I'd like to see some military occupations receive
up to 50% of there base pay because of the job they have. On top of this I would reduce the pay rate of most government employees to the equal amount paid to non-government employees. I's also remove many laws on the books. ------------------------ Keith Smith --- On Mon, 5/17/10, R P Herrold <herrold@owlriver.com> wrote: