That web site "", 
seems to be pretty handy. 

My results (a picture) have been placed here:
... OR (if you do not have a facebook account [password] ), then you might need to use this "free for all" URL: 
(they call it a "public link".)

Does this tell us anything? 
It seems suspicious to me. 
Mike Schwartz    
Glendale  AZ

On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 2:06 AM, Mike Schwartz <> wrote:
Well, maybe it is some kind of "DNS" related issue. 

> All those links work fine for me using [...] AT&T DNS servers

That could turn out to be a key item of info... 

Btw, "Craig White" <>'s answers differed from mine.  (Maybe a "DNS" issue!)  His middle result was "#fails" (which I also got), but as for his 1st and 3rd, his results were "backwards" from what I have been seeing -- in regard to that #works / #fails metric units. 
(unless he had some typo?  naah... :-) 

Also, things seemed to work fine for Dazed_75 <> and "Stephen" <>.  So there seem to be a bunch of things that "could" have gone wrong, that did not... 

and I am still observing some "#fails" 
(at least with a Chrome browser; -- but I am starting to suspect that this is "NOT" a "browser"-related issue)

FWIW, I am using Qwest DSL. I am not sure how to determine what my DNS server is... Hmmm...  

Well, I did a search, and just as I was going to "", all of a sudden, my (DNS?) problems toggled, and now my results match Craig White's results! 

Is that a bit suspicious?  Or maybe just a coincidence?  Hmmm...  
Maybe it could "tell" us something...

Is maybe a bogus domain name? 
(Did Craig White just [erroneously] "make up" that domain name?)

Mike Schwartz    
Glendale  AZ

On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 10:54 PM, Dazed_75 <> wrote:
All those links work fine for me using Firefox 3.5.9 for ubuntu on ubuntu 9.10.  I am on Mediacom Hish Speed Internet with dnsmasq running in my router with Mediacom DNS behind that (which is to say AT&T DNS servers).

On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 5:46 PM, Stephen <> wrote:
I had no issue from my work site with any of these links.

we use cox fiber and our own DNS servers. with Win7 and chrome.

On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 5:40 PM, Craig White <> wrote:
> On Mon, 2010-04-19 at 16:13 -0700, Mike Schwartz wrote:
>> The web page
>> has several links to URLs of the form
>> that is, links containing the "domain name"
>> to the right of the double slash.
>> I noticed today (this am, and then again this afternoon) that there
>> was some difficulty dereferencing those links (going to those URLs) .
>> (I tried this using both Firefox [3.6.3] [w/ Mozilla/5.0 &
>> Gecko/20100401]
>> and Google Chrome [ (42898)] today.)
>> Both browsers -- (Firefox and Chrome) -- were unable to find
>> the server "".
>> Is this something temporary?  and/or, it is something that the
>> PLUG server maintainer persons "know about", but which takes a
>> while (a long time) to fix?  (for the issue to be addressed?)
>> OR (aha) is it me?  (is no one else seeing the same problem?)
>> OR is somehow deprecated
>> (in which case I 'should have known' to use some alternate for it,
>> and not to use it, and not even to TRY to use ["CLICK on"] the
>> links that it contains?)
> ----
> clearly there is a problem...
>  #works
>    #fails
>        #fails
> and obviously any specific url's off the failing base url's will fail
> too.
> Craig
> [...]
> --
> [...]
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Dazed_75 a.k.a. Larry