On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 11:52 PM, Mike Schwartz <schwartz@acm.org> wrote:
http://linux.slashdot.org/story/09/12/28/1438232/Happy-Birthday-Linus?art_pos=11 :

 Happy Birthday, Linus

Glyn Moody writes"Today is the birthday of Linus. Just under 19 years ago, on the first day the shops in Helsinki were open after the holidays, Linus rushed out and spent all his Christmas and birthday money on his first PC: a DX33 80386, with 4 Megs of RAM, no co-processor, and a 40 Megabyte hard disc. Today, the kernel he wrote on that system powers 90% of the fastest supercomputers, and is starting to find its way into more and more smartphones — not to mention everything in between. What would the world look like had he spent his money on something else?"
Mike Schwartz    

It appears that some of the above text, is actually from  http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/happy-birthday-linus -- (which is pointed to, by the first underlined (clickable) hyper-link in the /. article quoted above -- that is, the "Just under 19 years ago" link).
      I just read that longer item (from http://www.linuxjournal.com/).  Pretty interesting.
Mike Schwartz    

Glendale  AZ 