Damn send key on my G1 grrrrr.... when the domain tries to authenticate and the registry is modified I think you will have a problem with logging on or app's not wanting to work due to changes in how Sun handles pass through on the hardware.

You lack admin rights to make this occur however you could buy your own hdd and swap them out with your own partition and not viollate that company rule.

My two yen


On Nov 9, 2009 11:19 AM, "AZ RUNE" <arizona.rune@gmail.com> wrote:


You're boned!  :-)  However, humor aside this is why "I" think it won't work.

You install to a usb drive say around 16GB ($40 at wal-mart), no big deal. You install Sun Virtual Box are ready to VM your stuff, groovy. You get your hard drive on the laptop copied and burned as and .img or .iso no problem (well not entirely but details, shmetails).

You pump the image to the vm or mount the iso in the vm and pow working system

> > On Nov 9, 2009 6:45 AM, "kitepilot@kitepilot.com" <kitepilot@kitepilot.com> wrote: > > Virtual ...