On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 12:01 AM, Mike Schwartz <schwartz@acm.org> wrote:
This is a new thread, to talk about the location for July 2009 "W Side" meeting. 

I have "tentatively" reserved a room for July 22, 2009 
([resv.] hours = 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm.)
at the same library that we used in for the June 2009 "W Side" meeting. 

If we want to cancel, then it has to be canceled >= 48 hours in advance. 

We can start at 7:00 if we want to, but the whole building closes up at 9:00 pm. 
They are fine with us reserving it starting at 6:00 pm, 
even if we are not going to start then. 

Note:  different room
They put us in their "huge" room, because the "medium size" room was already booked. 
(I guess we can use 1/2 of it -- or 1/4).
(or -- do you think we could fill up the whole thing, if we flew in some big name speaker?)  
(it holds about 170 persons or so...)

If there is some good reason (/slash, overwhelming consensus) 
to use some other location, then we can cancel it; (but "see above" 
about the "48 hours advance notice"). 
Mike Schwartz    
Glendale  AZ

This is a new thread, to talk about the location for July 2009 "W Side" meeting. 

if there are any plans, to locate the July 22 2009 meeting somewhere "other than" the same building as we used for June 2009, 

then speak up now, 
or else it will be too late.  
[to cancel the library room reservation]

Thank you,
Mike Schwartz    
Glendale  AZ