On Sun, Jul 5, 2009 at 5:09 AM, kitepilot@kitepilot.com <kitepilot@kitepilot.com> wrote:
So my Treo 650 died.
I hated the $%#!@ thing and I will most likely not buy another Treo (unless
it runs Linux).
Treo I could, Ericsson NOT!

With all the new phone capabilities, I was waiting for my "dream phone" to
materialize (Neo FreeRunner from openmoko.com) to ditch the Treo, but it
seems that it won't happen...   :(

So now I am on a crunch and I need help to find a phone...
My simple "specifications" are:
I want a phone that I can attach a real keyboard to and open up an SSH
session using either WiFi or the the cellular network.

In short, I want a "Laptop in my pocket"

(Important AND)
I will not buy a Micro$haft phone!
(In fact I will not buy ANYTHING Micro$haft unless it is a LEAST-AND-URGENT

Finally, I am stuck at the moment with AT&T, but I would like something that
I can plug anywhere.
Any ideas?

Considering the Iphone, at least it is Apple...   :)

Android G2 phone from Ebay = $140 unlocked.  Works on TMobile.  Touchscreen is nice - Google apps.  But it's not really as well designed outside (and the graphics are hoaky) as an iPhone.  It does have a cheap camera (again not an iPhone) and no speakerphone (perhaps a benefit, rather than limitation).  There is really no "free" wifi, since you have to have the data package from the carrier (TMobile) it costs data throughput (however it's cheaper).  Unlocked from China, it's not going to have any of the TMobile apps (hotspot, Fave5, etc.).   But the G1 directly from TMobile is pretty sweet too; it contains a full QWERTY keyboard.  Consider a data pack and your phone is going to charge at least $60.00 a month (with very few minutes to talk).  Since these are Android phones, all the Android apps work on them.  Trust me though the SSH is not what it's cracked up to be.

iPhone doesn't run alot of stuff until you unlock it, but it's a better device, however, it's comparable to a NetBook in cost?  Why not just carry a danged computer with a softphone application, like Skype?    Unlimited Skype trunking to PSTN is about $30.00 a year.

You can use Skype on the iPhone with a new AJAX interface that refreshes the Opera browser, but it requires:

1) Data throughput charges
2) Skype minutes, since it's going to be a PSTN trunked call.
3) Unlocked G3


With Skype's $30.00 a year unlimited costs, your calls are recorded if/when your Netbook is turned down, you can forward your calls to another device, or add as many clients as you need.  It's just not going to be small and sheik and "kewl".  But that $30.00 a year is really tempting running a nice NetBook?

Other really suite phones are:


Nokia 3650:  (Series 60 Symbian)   http://gagravarr.org/series-60/  OLDER

Nokia phones support c++ apps, as well as Java programs (J2ME with CLDC or MIDP). There is also a funky new open language called OPL for it. Oh, and there's a python interpreter for them.

The Nokia Internet 770 Tablet is really fine:

The Nokia Internet 880 is just as suite, running Maemo:  http://maemo.org/

Applications:  http://tuxmobil.org/phones_linux_nokia_other.html

Limited phones by Sony/Ericson run Wammu a linux management software:  http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/download-wammu-linux-unix-phone-manager.html

Personally, I opt for the Nokia 880 (with Skype and your cheapest minutes to keep costs low).

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