On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 7:51 PM, Matthew A Coulliette <matthewlug@cox.net> wrote:
I have never seen that happen, (the md5sum being next to the file).  I
found a list called MD5sums for the iso I was downloading, and even if
this list is invalid, every one of my downloads has a different md5sum,
(even though I keep downloading the same iso). - MatthewMPP

When you said "list called MD5sums for the iso I was downloading", that sounded a bit like it was a list of md5sums for the files within the .iso.  There should only be one md5sum for the .iso itself.

You also said "every one of my downloads has a different md5sum, (even though I keep downloading the same iso)".  It definitely should not do that (and protocols should prevent it happening repeatedly and without warning).  I might suspect noise on a disk interface or some kind of malware but then I would expect you to have other problems as well.  Can you try doing this on some other computer?
Dazed_75 a.k.a. Larry