Just a follow on your comment about "you can only run the apps that T-Mobile permit". That isn't entirely true. Under Settings / Applications there is a checkbox that allows for applications form "Unknown sources", by checking this box you can install any .apk file you want right from the developers web site.

On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 11:31 AM, Joseph Sinclair <plug-discussion@stcaz.net> wrote:
While Google (and others) develop the Android O/S, the carriers make all the decisions about how open the phone is.  The G1 is a *T-Mobile* phone, not a Google Phone.  Because Android is mostly Apache licensed, the carriers are free to modify it however they like for "their" phones, and they do exactly that.
The T-Mobile G1, like any other T-Mobile Phone, is a locked phone, and you can only run the apps that T-Mobile permits.  Google wrote the software open-source, but T-Mobile locked down the phone environment.
