
There is not /etc/inittab file in Ubuntu because Ubuntu uses
/etc/event.d/rc-default file
You can fix this problem by editing /etc/event.d/rc-default file
First backup file,
sudo cp /etc/event.d/rc-default /etc/event.d/rc-default.bakup
Open vi /etc/event.d/rc-default
sudo vi /etc/event.d/rc-default
Find all lines read as - telinit 2 and replace with telinit 3
telinit 3
Reboot the system

Every time I used either "sudo vi," "sudo gedit" or even forcing my way into "su" did not stop the OS from resetting the telinit back to 2?!?!!?


But you can simply enter:
# init 3
if X is still running:
# ps -ef |grep X
# pkill X

You should then be able to do whatever you need!

I logged into root in terminal and the init 3 worked both commands to stop X both caused Ubuntu to auto reboot X argh!  I know these commands would work, but when I went to Upstart their wiki was no help in trying to make something stick so I can get into Run Level that does not use X so I can install the driver.

::smacking head in wall :: wont give up without dain bramage, hehehehe
