I am unable, because of health issues that are taking me to San Diego, to "man" the May HackFest.......

I would like someone to step forward here and provide a presentation or meeting format while I am gone?

We are also moving the Festing to the Foundation for Blind Children, which will be the new regular home. 


This gives PLUG the much needed network security piece for ethical hacking, disassembly and network testing to play monthly.  We ran into some security problems on that UAT.edu school network and were just not able to build a network every month dragging in our own equipment. 

Everyone should be cognizant that when they share a network anywhere their system could easily be encroached.  Using the Foundation for the Blind, we will be able to limit the festing to our own group!  :)

Eldric works for the Foundation for Blind Children who is setting up a separate linux network for testing open source assistive technology.

They generously offered partnership to provide hosting and receive some help on the linux assistive piece.

 We have a choice of an isolated network, or do a seperate vlan behind their firewall.

If you want to have one last May HackFest at UAT.edu, we still have the room reserved (107).   Be sure that you notify the security guard, as they have been turning people away otherwise. 

We initially wanted a presentation that would hack some portion of mapping or map technology, in eyes glazy wonderment, but Hans decreed that this HackFest does not coincide with the OpenStreet event.

So whatever you want to present would be fine, sorry for the late notice.

I just found out for certain I have to travel for a consult in California.

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