Larry Ellison, Oracle's chief executive, in a conference call described Java as "the single most important software asset we have ever acquired." so Java is probably safe, sun hardware and OS will likely get a boost, and MySQL is likely to be spun off as a pure community project with corporate support.  But this is just my guess.  I do not see this as a bad thing.  Also remember that while Oracle (which is a really good DB by the way) is Oracles flagship product they are trying to go the IBM route of service company.  So far they have retained the worst parts of their acquisitions culture so I am not sure how well it will work in the long run, but they are a juggernaut rite now.

From: [] On Behalf Of James Mcphee
Sent: Monday, April 20, 2009 4:53 AM
Subject: Oracle buys Sun!

It was just announced that Oracle is buying Sun.  This is not a drill.  How is this going to play out for Java and MySQL?

James McPhee