On Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 6:38 AM, Craig White <craigwhite@azapple.com> wrote:
On Sat, 2009-04-18 at 12:13 -0700, Joshua Zeidner wrote:
> FF3 is VERY buggy.  -jmz
> On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 12:08 PM, stu w <wien33@cox.net> wrote:
> > Greetings All,
> >        Paying bills today, which I normally do online, and have never run into
> > a problem with Firefox on Ubuntu 8.10. After logging off from APS, I got
> > a pop-up asking me to take a survey for APS. I clicked on it, and it was
> > a nightmare from my old windows days. It kept opening up blank browser
> > windows faster than I could click out of them! I do have the Firefox
> > pop-up blocker enabled, but the windows continued to open even after I
> > disconnected from the network.
> >        Does anyone know if this is an issue with Firefox, or the APS website?
> >        Thanks,
> >        Stu
there are many websites that just design and test just for IE, some
possibly for IE & Safari and if not designed and tested with FF too, can
produce some unpredictable results. I don't blame all weirdness on FF
just because it's FF.

Then I have found that the Adobe plugins are somewhat problematic on FF
but they are getting better. The AdobeReader plugin on FF has long been
a nightmare and I typically install AdobeReader and remove the FF plugin
so PDF files are downloaded instead of opened directly in a FF

That said, if you do a survey for APS, it strikes me as fate.


In fact, I have always thought most of the problems people have with FF have more to do with the many add-ons most people use.  I seldom have more than three and have rarely had any issues other than with sites using microsoft specific extensions.  Interestingly enough, today's email had a reference to:
which seems to confirm that theory.  I do not mean that other suggestions are wrong, just that one might suspect add-ons first as a source for wierdnesses.
Dazed_75 a.k.a. Larry