If you install and use PhpMyAdmin you can easily import a I assume you can export from access in that format. I searched on "import CSV into mysql" and found a few sites that looked helpful. You would be doing so on the command line if you follow these tutorials. Search this page for CSV http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/load-data.html and you will see the following. LOAD DATA INFILE can be used to read files obtained from external sources. For example, many programs can export data in comma-separated values (CSV) format, such that lines have fields separated by commas and enclosed within double quotes. If lines in such a file are terminated by newlines, the statement shown here illustrates the field- and line-handling options you would use to load the file: LOAD DATA INFILE 'data.txt' INTO TABLE tbl_name FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '"' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n'; --- I hope this helps. ------------------------ Keith Smith --- On Tue, 3/31/09, Jerry Davis <jdawgaz@cox.net> wrote: