I got an eee 701.. managed to load XP on an SD card but then Office wouldn't install right (kept aborting during install because it didn't like where it was installing to).
I ended up going to Mandriva. I chose Mandriva because it supports all of the hardware even from the livecd. I run XP in a virtual machine when I need it from an external laptop drive.
It fits in my brief case along with all the cables/etc I need and portable DVDRW. I got it to tether to my cell phone to get on the internet. I can't say it's a machine I'd do work on all day unless I could plug it into a KVM but it's a GODSEND...
JD Austin
Twin Geckos Technology Services LLC
http://www.twingeckos.comFran Lebowitz - "You're only has good as your last haircut."