I'd like to go, but I've never been to *any* conference of any kind, as something always comes up to prevent me from going (plus being 24/7 oncall), so I finally just gave up attempting to go to any of them (plus usually cannot afford to go anyway). I wish they would so a simulcast on ustream or something.

Sharkscott wrote:
Hi all,

I would like to be there for Friday as well for the "Women in Open Source" that I RSVP'd to attend and LOPSA's "SCALE University" to cover it for LXer and obviously Sat and Sun for the expo. Other than that, I just need to be back for work Monday morning.


On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 1:05 PM, der.hans <PLUGd@lufthans.com> wrote:
moin moin,

several of us are going to SCaLE and planning on doing some ride-sharing
and caravanning.

I need to be over there for the LOPSA system administration classes on
Friday, but there are probably people only going for Saturday and Sunday.

Anyway, let's coordinate so more people can split costs.

Would someone from ASULUG and someone from the LoCo also help us do some
cross-group coordination? Same for other groups.

SCaLE was fun and informative last year. We had at least a couple of dozen
people from Phoenix there.

