1. DLL_Injection_In_Vista.tgz - Whitepaper discussing DLL injection on Windows Vista (32bit). Includes an executable for injecting a DLL in a process of your choice and the original source code is in the pdf.
  2. mediamonkey-overflow.txt - MediaMonkey version 3.0.6 local buffer overflow proof of concept exploit that creates a malicious .m3u file.
  3. merak-overflow.txt - Merak Media Player version 3.2 .m3u file local buffer overflow proof of concept exploit.
  4. elecard-overflow.txt - EleCard MPEG Player local stack overflow exploit that creates a malicious .m3u file that binds a shell to port 4444.
  5. lib_postgresqludf_sys_0.0.1.tar.gz - Patched source code for lib_postgresqludf_sys that allows for command execution on postgres with user defined functions.
  6. Hide Files Inside JPG  - Using a CMD shell and Open Source archive - binary copy to produce a JPEG hiding files.

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