Ok ok, I know this isn't a PLUG issue, hence its OTness...

I am trying to set up a bluetooth subnet between a few boxen, a windows pc, windows laptop and linux laptop.

The only software I can find for windows for bluetooth support is BlueSoliel which was bundled with my bluetooth dongles (generic 10$ deals) I got the bluetooth working on the two laptops really easy, even connecting a palm pilot to one of them and sharing the connection to the interwebz...

but the desktop is different... bluesoliel gives me some error 183 on installation, and through googling it was hinted that it was due to network connection issues... but I was connected to the webernetz ^_^

so... I opened up network connections control panel thingy and lo and behold: no devices! open up device manager: ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! So I have a connection (sending this email from the machine, as it happens) but no connections (or devices) are listed. I have done virus/malware/etc etc scans on it but have located nothing. Does anyone have a clue wtf is going on?


Thanks and best regards,
Ryan Rix
TamsPalm - The PalmOS Blog
(623)-239-1103 <-- Grand Central, baby!

Jasmine Bowden - Class of 2009, Marc Rasmussen - Class of 2008, Erica
Sheffey - Class of 2009, Rest in peace.