Hacking radar ticketing implemented to increase revenue while combating historical epidemic motor vehicle civil disobedience* in Arizona 

Innovative daily notification via Google Maps & offering email notification (from php/javascript site) for all public information locations of cameras in Arizona http://radarrover.com

"Build it yourself" GPS Device using Camera Database:  http://hem.bredband.net/b502104/

Cheetah C100 Radar Photo Alert System (Uses the Trinity database): http://www.radarbusters.com/photo-radar/gps-speed-camera-detectors/cheetahc100photocameraalertsystem.cfm

Mini-Coyote (Drivers update a database to alert each other): http://www.pocket-lint.co.uk/news/news.phtml/19100/20124/dashboard-gadget-speed-camera-info.phtml

Obfuscating License Plate Covers:  http://www.radarbusters.com/photo-radar/license-plate-shields/6524+6528+4293856170.cfm

Jammers Overview:  http://www.copradar.com/preview/chapt7/ch7d1.html#detdet

Laser Blinding Security Cameras:  http://www.c-h-a-o-s.com/2007/08/11/sniping-the-security/

Ticket Defenses: 

Thin Blue Line:  http://www.thenewspaper.com/news/25/2530.asp  Camera Driver Arrested for DUI

Cruise Control:  Arizona cameras start to ticket at 11 miles over the speed limit.  Most cameras are placed in an unexpected speed Zone.  Using cruise control with a combination of GPS Database or RadarRover might be required for the less astute and out of town driver?


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January PLUG HackFest = Kristy Westphal, AZ Department of Economic Security Forensics @ UAT 1/10/09 12-3PM

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