Personally, I think people are overreacting. This type of thing doesn't happen often enough for it be a huge issue. Unfortunately the topic that set it off this time is a very personal subject to many people. It will die down and go away, as they all inevitably do.

If the majority think that moderation is the key, great, I am for it. If they don't, then great, I am not for it. If someone steps over a decency line, it should be dealt with by those that manage the list. They are the responsible parties after all.

But on a funny aside, does anyone else see the humorous duality of topics arguing that we should only have posts on this list that relate to linux in general, that don't specifically discuss linux outside of the fact that this list has Linux in the name?

To make this fit the demand, I have now moved to using only Ubuntu 8.10 on my laptop (although I do still have a partition for windows in case I start back into windows game development again). The only problem I ran into was the fact that the onboard broadcom wireless adapter didn't work. However plugging in one of my spare linksys wireless cards did work and I was able to fix it with a kernel update.

Judd Pickell