Craig White wrote:
On Thu, 2008-09-11 at 18:53 -0700, Charles Jones wrote:
Craig White wrote:
there are documented moments when such acts (killing innocent American
civilians on American soil) were actually contemplated by members of our
own government...
The Northwoods "plan", while indeed ludicrous, was purely deception. It 
involved NO KILLING WHATSOEVER.  This elaborate play is a far cry from 
outright killing thousands of people, destroying buildings, and somehow 
involving and coordinating thousands of others in a plot and 
successfully keeping it secret.

Was this plan rediculous? Yes. Did it involve killing innocent people, 
or even enemies? No.  Could 9-11 be just a more "hardcore" version of 
this plan? Anything is possible, but I have a hard time believing that 
the govt would be capable of pulling off such an complex plan, involving 
so many people.
the second sentence in the link above says otherwise...perhaps you need
to fix the wikipedia entry since you obviously know more.
It does indeed: "The plan called for CIA or other operatives to kill innocent people and commit acts of terrorism in U.S. cities to create public support for a war against Castro-led Cuba.".  Consider that sentence was written by the person who made the article, so there is no need to take that sentence as evidence of what the plan was. The actual plan, (which is an actual document, and not just some offhand statement made by someone on the internet), clearly depicts using deception but no actual killing. :P