On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 11:02:20AM -0700, keith smith wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm thinking of writing a small application that can run on both Linux and Windows written in GCC C/C++ that will utilize MySql running on Linux .

> Initially I need the application to run on Windows XP or Vista and connect to the Linux box to access MySql.
> Is it possible to write an application using GCC that will run both on Linux and Windows?? If so what should I be looking into?

> Is there a better approach?
> Thanks in advance,
> Keith
> ------------------------

- Compile on Linux with GCC
- Compile on MS-Windows after installing CYGWIN[1] with GCC
- Test.

[1]  http://www.cygwin.com/

JLF Sends...
Jean Francois: Server Engineering/EE
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- Linux Counter Registered User #8863 1994-12-13 06:39:24
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