I'm going to be throwing a LAN party celebrating my birthday next weekend, and I recently reinstalled the operating system on my old PC to use it as a server for the party. As a result, I'm in the process of once again setting up several servers (in the software sense) on the machine. I'm wondering if there's significant interest within PLUG for me to put together some guide documentation and maybe a presentation. I'm also willing to do something for the client side, because all of the games at the party are playable on Linux. In fact, I've been Linux-only at every LAN party I've attended or hosted in the past year. Anyhow, here are the game servers I'm setting up:
I'm running the servers off of Ubuntu 8.04.1 Server, whose repositories contain all of the servers except for those of the two Source engine games (CS:S and TF2). All of the client packages are available from Debian/Ubuntu's repositories as well. All of the proprietary games run under Wine with little or no tweaking, and all of the client/server packages for the F/OSS games are up-to-date in Ubuntu except for PvPGN, which is out of date by two minor versions and can be compiled from source easily if absolutely necessary. If someone here is willing to create a Debian package, it would not be difficult to create an Ubuntu i386 binary with MySQL support for user data.

So, is anybody interested in a presentation or documentation on implementing these server setups (simultaneously) and connecting to them from Linux boxes?

--Patrick C.