See if your Linksys router has the option to 'clone' the MAC address of your Windows box.

Also, by a router that can take DD-WRT... you'll find it easy to diag these issues.

On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 8:03 PM, Craig White <> wrote:
I have a D-Link cable modem and I'm wondering if there's a problem with
the cable modem or with my Linksys routers...

I came home and couldn't connect to Internet.

All indicator lights were good but I power cycled both cable modem and
Linksys go.

Called Cox, they said it all looks fine so I connected the cable modem
to my Windows system, set the Windows system to DHCP and power cycled
the cable modem and sure enough, the Windows system got an IP Address.

So I did the complete factory reset on the Linksys router but no go.

Turned out, I had another Linksys router in my garage (not wireless but
what the hey).

Same issue...could not get an IP address from Cox with this second
Linksys router (strange).

So I finally hooked the cable modem back to the Windows computer, got an
IP Address from Cox, disconnected the Windows system, connected the
Linksys router back up but set it up with the fixed IP Address I got
with the Windows system and I'm working.

So I'm thinking...what are the odds that both Linksys routers after
factory resets and multiple power cycles of cable modem and Linksys
routers are incapable of getting an IP address from Cox when my Windows
computer had no issues at all? Not the cable...I changed cables. D-Link
cable modem?

Cox DHCP server all of a sudden putting the kabash on Linksys routers?

Theories? Similar craziness elsewhere?
