Ok, one of the companies I support demanded access to myspace today.  I don’t ever recall blocking it at the main office, nor can I find any blocks at any level of my network (save my remote offices, which I do block) , but I can not seem to connect to myspace.com / www.myspace.com on any of the machines that share a common internet connection (Three domains with different DNS).  This is true for windows and Linux, konquorer, Firefox, and internet explorer.  I can reach the yahoo & Google cached pages, and I can reach the site through www.the-cloak.com, though this looks and feels like a cached page and not all elements are functional.


Trace routs fail at the first hop.


Before I call my ISP and say “What’s Up!” I would like to make sure the site is not actually down.  Could I get a few trace routes from you guys?


For what it is worth, I resolve to,, etc for www.myspace.com and,, etc. for myspace.com


Bryan O'Neal
Cornerstone Homes & Development, Inc.

4220 E. McDowell Rd Ste. #108
Mesa, AZ 85215
(480) 505-1900
