Ted Gould wrote:
On Mon, 2008-02-11 at 15:06 -0700, Charles Jones wrote:
Ted Gould wrote:
So I'm getting ready to start the fun ol' taxes.  Anyone tried TurboTax
2007 in Wine yet?  Wine seems to be getting better and better, and so
I'm kinda curious if it can do TurboTax this year.	
I've found the online version of turbotax (at turbotax.com) to work just 
as well as the media version.  No emulation required :)

So, it seems like most people are doing their taxes online.  I guess
that still makes me a little bit uncomfortable.  I realize part of the
irony here.  Am I just getting old?  Should I drink my prune juice and
be happy with Google Docs and online taxes?  Or, is there a large group
of folks using "another OS" to do their taxes?

I'm not sure if I would say "most people" in this case.  Sure, I'll bet it's more than it was 5 or even 2 years ago, but I'm willing to bet there are a lot of people out there who don't trust corporations with their personal financial information - including me.  Banks are a different story, but would you really give your social to say Adobe or Microsoft?

I just run an instance of XP in a vm to do my TurboTax and Quicken (among other misc things) because quite frankly, there isn't anything else out there that can compete for Linux.  Sure, I'm not a big Intuit fan either as I sometimes wonder if Quickbooks was built just to annoy me, but the reality is, it works ... well.

Just my $0.02.

BTW, I'm *really* looking forward to trying out the new kvm stuff so I can move off the free vmware-server I have running ;)
