Just a shot in the dark here, but did you try running qemu under sudo? Could be that kqemu requires root privileges to run. You should also check dmesg for any erroneous messages related to kqemu. I haven't worked with it in over a year, so these are just guesses, but they're worth a shot. -David Bendit On Oct 15, 2007, at 11:58 PM, Dazed_75 wrote: >> >> larry@ldesk:~$ qemu-img create -f qcow gutsy.img 4G >> Formating 'gutsy.img', fmt=qcow, size=4194304 kB >> larry@ldesk:~$ qemu -hda gutsy.img -cdrom >> ~/Desktop/ubuntu-7.10-rc-desktop-i386.iso -boot d >> Could not open '/dev/kqemu' - QEMU acceleration layer not activated >> larry@ldesk:~$ lsmod | grep emu >> kqemu 124580 0 >> larry@ldesk:~$ ll /dev/kq* >> crw-rw---- 1 root root 10, 61 2007-10-15 01:10 /dev/kqemu >> > > See the 'c' attribute on the /dev/kqemu? According to the chattr man > page, that means it is a kernel compressed file and the Bugs and > Limitations section of that same man page says it is not honored by > the ext2 and ext3 filesystems (which this is on). Any ideas? I > should probably re-ask this on the list.