It seems the SVG community views mobile devices as the primary future platform for SVG. The fact is that Adobe is pushing Flash in mobile phones and it looks like this will be the dominant standard. Technologically, Flash will work as the flash player is relatively simple, portable, and lightweight. And these features are central to the Flash standard. SVG interpretation is not easy (I believe there was something called TinySVG that was designed for mobiles?). Flash is inheritly more compressed in its format, SVG is huge (those long sets of coordinate pairs). People are constantly arguing over what the standards will be for the mobile world, they forget that the important standards for ie. wide area networks didn't come from the commercial sector, and until we get some action from the FCC, these 'standards' are likely to come in and out with the tide.
I personally see a lot of potential for SVG in 'rich apps' for the web. Its 'viewport' system is really powerful and when used in conjunction with video would be a powerful platform for artists and 'creative people'. SVG will, without a doubt, continue to act as an interchange format for graphic design.
Ted, I know youve done a lot of really great stuff with SVG and I applaud you for it... but lets be realistic in our estimations here.