It's all the same...
Randy Melder wrote:
> Seriously, OS X is the best desktop available.
An openSUSE 10.2 system running the latest
KDE with Beryl is untouchable. Sure, OS X has whizzy effects... but
they look like baby steps compared to what Beryl can do.
Say you want to set up your system with apache, mysql, php, squid,
postfix, clamv, spamassasin, etc. Could you do it in OS X? Absolutely!
But it'll be a minor to major PITA, too. Just compiling Courier IMAP
took more than a few patches to the code, if I remember correctly.
SUSE, all of those packages are click-click-click-done.
Add on a little Codeweaver action and you are covered for those few
Windows apps that you still need. Really need a hard-core Windows app?
VMWare Server is free.