Ok, yeah..I know..sacriligious to use a Pocket PC :-P  I've come up in an interesting situation.  I'm reinstalling Ubuntu on my Thinkpad, using Dapper LTS.  I'd like to be able to use my cell phone as a modem to download a few packages, but the LTS doesn't include Bluetooth support out of the box, as far as I can tell.  I can easily connect to the internet via my iPAQ hx4700 pda via BT thru my cell phone.  The iPAQ also has a 802.11b wifi connection that I'd like to connect to my laptop, and share the internet thru.  End result - laptop connects to pda via wifi, pda connects to phone via BT.  Phone feeds internet to pda, which then forwards it to the laptop, enough so that I can download the BT packages, at which point I can just connect the phone directly to the laptop. 
Can this be done? 