I bought a Toshiba P105-6104 http://www.toshibadirect.com/td/b2c/pdet.to?seg=HHO&poid=351574&coid=-30597
  (2nd choice and long story).  I've been having some problems getting video and sound up for Linux and hope someone here can help me make this usable.  If not I may have to try to take it back.  I have tried Ubuntu 6.06, 6.10 Beta, and SUSE10.1.  The problems are not universally the same.  Although I now have SUSE running, it has problems too and is not my preferred environment. 

Resizing the NTFS partition to permit dual boot:
Between bullets 3 & 4 above I ran the machine with no Windows partition at all.  The results noted below were checked there and then reverified for SUSE now that I have restored XP MCE and then reloaded SUSE.

1440x900 Display:
Intel 82801G Sound:
Software Updates for SUSE 10.1: