On 9/18/06, Ben Francom <bfrancom@gmail.com> wrote:
The downside is that they have a very narrow depth of field and any curved
object, say an open book won't scan well.  Basically these scanners will only
work with very flat copy.  CCD scanners work better with 3D opjects.  Try
your watch or a leaf sometime.
Good to know.  Thanks Carl.  I haven't scanned anything but 1 page (B/W) lineart.  I'll have to test a couple things with more depth and post the pics.
I meant, thanks Dennis...and here are those pics



I wasn't satisfied with the picture scan as that the color depth wasn't great, and there were some lines.  I just used default settings on the scanner @ 300dpi.  Google's site creator doohickey reformatted my pics from png's to jpg's, so there may have been a slight loss there too.
Don't know exactly what you need Carl, but hopefully this'll aid in your decision.