Just a comment on the article ("Open Warfare in Open Source") at
about the wrangling over the new version ("V 3") of the GPL.
  I disagree with the conclusion (first sentence of the last paragraph) which
says, << "If Torvalds chooses not to go with version 3 for Linux, the Free Software Foundation will become even more irrelevant to the business world of open source" >>.
I don't think there is any way that the FSF will be irrelevant to any extent,
in the world of "gnu/Linux".  Because when you get a distro,
unless it is some version of BSD or something [not usually callled "Linux"],
a big part of what you get, is gnu software.  The FSF not only decides
upon the licensing for the gnu software, they actually own the copyrights
(which are needed, for the copylefts;  [right?]) on most of the gnu software.
   Just my 0.02 ...
Mike Schwartz    
Glendale  AZ