On 8/4/06, Gilbert T. Gutierrez, Jr. <plug@phxinternet.net> wrote:
I am not that familiar with PostGreSQL and made a mistake in selecting it
for this application.  I can, I am sure move the data.  The issue is the
time it will take me.  Someone that is familiar may be able to do this
quicker than me.  The app also has a way to export data and then re-import
it that I may end up using, I am just not comfortable that it will export
all data.

You can move data either way using the dump commands.

For instance:

1) pg_dump -U postgres -D mydb > mydb.sql
  (-D makes extended inserts)
2)  mysql  -u root newdb < mydb.sql

Please watch closely for errors. It is possible you'll need to edit the table definitions (data types) when converting from 1 DB to another. If you are using foreign keys you'll need to be careful to select a backend data type in MySQL that supports this.