Hi Craig,

Thanks for all the info.  I'll be taking a look.

Again Thanks

Craig White <craigwhite@azapple.com> wrote:
On Tue, 2006-07-11 at 08:23 -0700, keith smith wrote:
> Hi Ben,
> I've been reading about postfix for years.
> My concern is messing up a vps server .... this is for leaning mostly
> so I guess I give it a try.
> The last Linux I used was Debian Patato. I was familiar with apt-get
> and how to determine which package to get. I would go to the Debian
> website where they listed all the packages.
> I'm aware of exim, postfix,qmail, and sendmail. I hear exim is good
> but not widely used. Qmail is reportedly difficult to configure.
> Evey one says to avoid sendmail. I've also read that sendmail is not
> all that efficient. I have read good things about postfix over the
> years. I think postfix will be my next stop.
> I'm not sure how to find the yum command to uninstall sendmail and
> what package would install PostFix. - I'll start by checking with
> google....
yum install postfix

system-config-mail # provides menial switch over from sendmail ->
postfix or vice versa
> Where can I go to look up the packages on Fedora Core 5?

if you want click through...

but that is just 'core' and each repo has it's own set of packages
(updates, rpmforge, livna, etc.)

yum search looks at all configured repositories
> Any suggestions on a pop3 server?
> And I'm still not clear on setting up an email account. Is that
> handled through the pop3 server?
> I saw port 587 was used in sendmail also. Is that a standard
> alternative to port 25?
sure - google it


> Thanks a bunch for all your help,
> Keith
- <snip>

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