On 6/7/06, der.hans <PLUGd@lufthans.com> wrote:
Am 07. Jun, 2006 schwätzte Dazed_75 so:

Has AZStRUT started putting GNU/Linux or at least Free Software
applications like OpenOffice.org on the boxen?

The office I work in has not though I keep suggesting it.  However, at least one of the schools in the program has started doing so.  In fact, I talked to one of the  instructors who told me a student had set up a CD to automate the whole process.  I asked for more info and he was going to get the student in touch with me.  I have not heard back yet but that may be becuase we are past end of term.

Interestingly, I saw a number of the boxes from that school this week and found a mix of linux and win98 on them and Open Office on all.  There was a mix of OO 1.5? and 2.0 but the 1.5 was on a very low end box so maybe it would not support 2.0.  I did not have time to check into it further.

Do the recyclers actually do a good job cleaning up the waste?

I do not actually know but I am told they do.  At that same dinner where I talked to the instructor, I also talked to someone who had visited the recyclers and he was reasonably impressed.  But it was a short conversation so I really did not get any info.  The company is http://www.westechrecyclers.com/about.html if anyone knows about them.

"The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them."

Patrick Henry quote